Question categories
- Genetics (97)
- IVF general (95)
- Embryo transfer (65)
- General infertility (51)
- Emotions (51)
- IVF LAB (50)
- Miscarriages (47)
- Ovulatory problems (43)
- PCOS (42)
- Embryo quality (40)
- Male infertility (38)
- Implantation window (38)
- After embryo transfer (37)
- Endometriosis (37)
- Ovulation (36)
- Ovulation tracking (35)
- Supplements (35)
- Ovarian stimulation (35)
- AMH (34)
- Immune Infertility (31)
- Nutrition (31)
- Egg donation (31)
- IUI (30)
- Egg retrieval (30)
- Eggs quality (29)
- Egg retrieval (puncture) (28)
- NK cells (27)
- Diet (27)
- Insemination (27)
- IVF failure (26)
- IVF techniques (23)
- Ovarian induction (23)
- PGT-A / PGS (21)
- Unexplained infertility (20)
- Antral Follicle Count (20)
- Diminished ovarian reserve (20)
- Low ovarian reserve (17)
- Male factor (17)
- AFC (16)
- OHSS (16)
- Success rates (16)
- Donor’s egg (14)
- Endometrium receptivity (13)
- Embryo grading (12)
- PRP (12)
- Mini IVF (12)
- Fertile days (11)
- ERA test (11)
- Infertility tests (11)
- Hormones (10)
- Ovarian rejuvenation (10)
- Antral follicle scan (10)
- FET (9)
- Idiopathic infertility (8)
- Low sperm count (8)
- IVF natural cycle (8)
- hyperstimulation (8)
- Mild stimulation (7)
- Before embryo transfer (7)
- Natural Killer (6)
- Emotional support (6)
- Adenomyosis (5)
- Intralipids (5)
- Fertility Preservation (4)
- TESE (4)
- Poor sperm morphology (4)
- mTESE (4)
- SET (3)
- Testicular sperm aspiration (3)
- Poor responders (3)
- PGD (3)
- TESA (2)
- Family balancing (2)
- eSET (2)
- Lifestyle (2)
- HIV (2)
- CoQ10 (1)
- Sperm donation (1)
- Single Embryo Transfer (1)
- Testicular biopsy (1)
- BMI (1)
- PESA (1)
- Emma test (1)
- DHEA (1)
- Trigger shot (1)
What if embryos available on day-3 are of very poor quality?
Matthew Prior, PhD, MBBS
+ 6 more answers
Can you ask for twins with IVF?
Matthew Prior, PhD, MBBS
+ 6 more answers
How does age of women influence fertility treatment?
Kevin McEleny, BSc(Hons), BM, FRCS(Eng), FRCS (Ed), FRCS(Urol), PhD
What is considered diminished ovarian reserve?
Melina Stasinou, MD, MSc, PhD
+ 2 more answers
How can I increase my ovarian reserve?
Melina Stasinou, MD, MSc, PhD
+ 2 more answers
How common the PCOS is within infertile patients?
Sibte Hassan, MBBS, FCPS, MRCOG, MSc
What are the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS?
Sibte Hassan, MBBS, FCPS, MRCOG, MSc
How do you know if you have PCOS ?
Sibte Hassan, MBBS, FCPS, MRCOG, MSc
+ 1 more answers
What is the best age to get pregnant with PCOS?
Sibte Hassan, MBBS, FCPS, MRCOG, MSc
+ 3 more answers
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
Sibte Hassan, MBBS, FCPS, MRCOG, MSc
+ 2 more answers
What are Intralipids used for in IVF?
Orestis Tsonis, MD, MSc, PhD
+ 1 more answers
Is infertility genetically inherited?
Wael Saab, MRCOG, Bsc
+ 3 more answers
What is a medical definition of unexplained infertility? How common it is within infertile couples?
Jane Stewart, MD
How can I get pregnant with unexplained infertility naturally?
Jane Stewart, MD
Can you bleed after embryo transfer and still be pregnant?
Patricio Calamera, MD, MSc, ObGyn
+ 1 more answers